All current full time Global Academy students will now be linked into one of our brick and mortar campuses and will be considered both a full member of Global Academy and of their home school.
For attendance, students will be required to log in to Buzz at least once on each day of the regular 180-day school calendar. This will be the biggest change for our students, but we know they can do it! Any student who has not logged in to Buzz by noon each school day will get a reminder call and text, but we will count students as present any time before 11:59 pm on each day. Don’t worry-- we will share specific directions when the new school year begins.
Parents will report absences (just on regular school days) via Infinite Campus or by calling the home school attendance line.
Students will have access to dances, games, activities and all events on their home campus, using their student ID, which will now have the names and logos of both Global and their brick and mortar-linked school.
In Infinite Campus, students will be listed as a student of their home school, and their schedule and in-progress grades will appear here as well.
You will be on the mailing list for announcements from both Global and your home school, ensuring that you have access to opportunities and events in both places, and that you get all necessary information guiding you toward graduation.
Beginning next year, full time students may either choose to pause their classes during the summer break or pay for summer school courses to continue working or accelerate their progress.