Withdrawal Process
Full-Time Students
Full-time online students may withdraw from GPS Global Academy by emailing globalrecords@gilbertschools.net with the request and reason for withdrawal. Within two business days, our registrar will process the withdrawal and email back the withdrawal paperwork. If further documents are needed, please come to GPS Global Academy after two business days from completing the request and we will be glad to assist.
Full-time online students who simply need to drop a class, but remain enrolled at our school, should follow the procedure outlined in the next section, titled "Concurrently-Enrolled Students."
Concurrently-Enrolled Students
Part-time Remote Learners, who are taking classes at GPS Global Academy in addition to classes on their home campus, may complete the GPS Global Academy Schedule Change form, which can be found on the front page of our website. Please note the following:
- Part-time remote classes dropped more than 30 days after the start of the class will result in a 'WF' grade being put on the transcript. This WF grade can only be removed by completing the course at another time, either in-person or online.
- If a student or parent paid for the course being dropped, a refund will only be given if the class was dropped within the first 7 days of enrollment.
Center For Success
Please communicate your intention to drop your Center For Success class with your counselor. Your counselor will work to drop the course from your schedule, which will automatically drop your course in Buzz.
Please check your school's course policies to determine if any penalties will be administered.