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Request a New Course

GPS Global Academy student taking a test in student space


Full-time Online Students

Full-time online GGA students should use the link below to request classes or change the classes they are in:

Full-time Schedule Change Form

GPS Global Academy student studying for final


Concurrently-Enrolled Students

Concurrently Enrolled students should complete the CE class registration form by following this link and completing the needed steps for registration:

CE Student Course Registration Form
Fill out this form to drop a class

GPS Global Academy students in the center for success studying


Center For Success

Students enrolled in Center For Success must contact their counselor to request a schedule change. CFS classes are scheduled by each individual school and not by Global Academy.

How do I request a new course?

Students may request courses via the links to the left. All course requests will be reviewed by the student's counselor before being added to their schedule.